The files include in this trial ware demonstration of Whats Up are :-
ReadMe.Txt - This file
WhatsUp.exe - Whats Up executable
WhatsUp.hlp - Whats Up help file
WhatsUp.cnt - Whats Up help file contents
UGbr.up1 - Whats Up British Dictionary
UOff.up1 - Whats Up Official Dictionary
UUsa.up1 - Whats Up American Dictionary
Carpet.bmp - Whats Up Background
Floor.bmp - Whats Up Background
Lumps.bmp - Whats Up Background
Mat.bmp - Whats Up Background
Wall.bmp - Whats Up Background
Wood.bmp - Whats Up Background
1. Extract all these files to a directory of your choosing - c:\WhatsUp.
2. Create a shortcut to WhatsUp.Exe.
3. That's it done !
WhatsUp is fully functional. The only restriction is that it only allows 30 trial runs.
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Ordering Information
Whats Up can be purchased directly from ourselves at :-
214, Chorley New Road
Lancashire BL1 5AA
United Kingdom
The cost for WhatsUp is : ú15.99 UK Sterling
$25.50 US Dollars
Whats Up can be purchased in US Dollars or UK pounds only. The prices are as shown above, and are not subject to exchange rate fluctuations. They are inclusive of shipping and handling.